The New Jersey Devils officially have a new face of the franchise, signing No. 1 overall
NHL San Jose Sharks Jersey pick Jack Hughes to a three-year deal Friday. The New Jersey Devils signed to the maximum three-year, entry-level contract for salary ($925,000 AAV) and performance bonuses. RELEASE: New Jersey Devils (@NJDevils) The Devils signed the 18-year-old center to the maximum three-year, entry-level contract($925,000 average annual value) and performance bonuses. The Orlando native has been on the NHL's radar for years during an incredible junior hockey career that saw him winUSA Hockey Junior Player
Brandon Coe Jersey of the Year in the 2017-18 season. In the U18 World Junior Championships, he brokeAlexander Ovechkin's record for career points, with 32 in 14 games. Hughes led theNational Development Team in scoring in 2018-19. After spending time in
Will Smith Jersey the Devils headquarters, Hughes said he's impre sed with the team's culture. "There's a logo, obviously, but there's a
Craig Coxe Jersey lot that comes with it," Hughes said (via ). "A lot of responsibility, a lot of things you kind of take with pride. It's really exciting to be a part of the Devils. It's such a tight knit group, tight-knit organization. It's the kind of place where you treat the janitor with as much respect as you do the president. For me, it's a really great organization to be a part of and I'm just excited." Hughes
Kelly Hrudey Jersey ' older brother,Quinn, plays for the Vancouver Canucks.