What exactly is the Assassin Class? It is a physical, melee class damage dealer that relies on its speed and critical
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It's really easy and short quest. Anyway, as I was saying, you need to get your hands on at least 27 pieces of pure essence. If you want to, you can get more just in case. The 'trice eggs obtained from using the Ophidian Incubation ability can be sold to other players as mentioned above or, alternatively, used to make the various Spirit Cockatrice, Saratrice,
Guthatrice, Zamatrice, Pengatrice, Coraxatrice and Vulatrice. Given that all the 'trices forage the eggs used to create their pouches, it can be even more profitable to do this as the 'trice egg yield is much greater, although it is vastly more time consuming. A blend of selling eggs and making pouches from 'trice eggs, using the summoned 'trices to get more eggs is recommended..
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