More information on today's content update are available here. What do you think of the current MLB The Show 18 update? Which of the newest players are you excited to use in Diamond Dynasty? Tell us in the comment section below, and do not forget to subscribe to Sports Gamers Online.
MLB 18 Stubs obtained a massive update today, and anybody who plays the game online should be thrilled. San Diego Studio released Patch 1.08 just in time for the start of May, expecting to improve online play quality and rejuvenate the participant card content found inside Diamond Dynasty, The Show's hottest manner.
Most of all, the patch addressed a chief compaint by avid online gamers. The PCI (plate coverage indicator), used when hitting to try and straight up the pitch, was not reacting correctly since it had in previous editions of The Show. Many players proved that the PCI would proceed on its own for no apparent reason, causing a great deal of bothersome popups and ground balls which, with a true PCI system, could be line drives or home runs.
Furthermore, players were upset with how slow down the pitches looked coming in, especially in contrast to previous year's matches. Flamethrowers like Aroldis Chapman and Craig Kimbrel were essentially ineffective because of fastballs appearing like frisbees arriving in. It seems that the developers were listening to their consumers. Here are the official gameplay patch notes from TheShowNation and SDS.
Fix for a rare event in which the outfielder would not play with a grab (or run across the ball) on firmly hit ground balls that get through the infield. Adjustments designed to allow more user management for infielders on gentle line pushes only above their head. This permits users to break out and run to your ballwhen they sometimes felt locked in. Fix to get a rare issue in which the catcher would come from his cover position (covering dwelling ), not letting branching throws to the plate if a runner is attempting to score.
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