Why cheap wow gold do I need reputation with my bodyguard?Once you have a level 2 barracks you are able to have one of multiple bodyguards follow you out into the world and help you. What you may not know is that each bodyguard has two special abilities that you unlock when you gain reputation with them. When you gain level 2 reputation with your follower they unlock an ability that they will use in combat with you. Once you reach level 3 reputation they will give you a unique perk that you talk to them to make them use. The unlocks are.
Now that I know why, what is the farming spot?Since launch there have been multiple places found to get reputation with your bodyguard very quickly but blizzard has fixed them so they are no longer usable. Because of this I set out looking for any highly clustered groups of low level, low health, and low damage mobs. In my quest I found a cave filled with goren eggs that when stepped on cause a baby goren to hatch out of them. In the cave, there are three large clusters of goren eggs and some more scattered around. If you go around the cave in a large circle then you can step on all of the eggs plus you can grab the few mobs that spawn in there. Be careful however, there is a rare that spawns in there that isn't particularly strong but if you go to the cave lower than level 95 you may want to keep your eyes open to make sure you don't have lots of enemies attacking you when it aggro. There is probably close to 80 eggs inside the cave and they respawn fairly quickly so if you hatch them all, the eggs where you started should have respawned.
Extra for classes with petsIf you stand on a group of eggs to break them and don't leave that spot then every time the eggs near you respawn they will automatically break and the goren babies will pop out and attack you. Because you have a pet they will be killed and the 10 reputation per kill still takes effect! Move your character around to pop as many eggs as possible each time they respawn (I was able to get 6 at once) then you can go AFK (or in my case, get some work done) and you will be gaining rep without doing anything.
Although you will be in combat it will still kick you off of the server for inactivity so if you do decide to grind rep while AFK be sure to jump every now and then so that you don't move your character but are also not disconnected.
The baby goren do not drop anything so having your pet get the kill will not cause you to lose any loot from them. There are also adult sized goren but they only drop trash so losing their loot isn't a huge concern either.
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