I have buy cheap wow gold hundreds of articles, guides, specs, vs guides, talent breakdowns, and more. Im always adding more content and do this because I enjoy writing. I have one of each class and have played each at above 2000 rating in 2v2 and a few at 2200 in 3v3. If you want, just request in the comments or send me a message. Im glad you chose my articles to read, and I hope you bookmark my profile for later viewing. I am constantly adding more and more, so check back a lot, and have fun in the world of warcraft.
This Frost death knight spec is a good dps spec and is a fun spec to play with a lot of utility. I like two handed frost, and this is a good blood subspec for those frost strikes.
The next level 85 cataclysm blood death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 2/3 blade barrier. This will help reduce damage a small bit and is just really a filler talent.
The next level 85 cataclysm blood death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 3/3 bladed armor. This will give you a good bit of attack power, and will help your burst and sustained damage a good bit.
The next level 85 cataclysm blood death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 3/3 scent of blood. This will generat a lot of RP and will give you a lot of extra damage due to frost strike. This is a must have talent for frost in my opinion.
The next level 85 cataclysm frost death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 3/3 runic power mastery. This will give you the extra RP that you will need in order to throw out 4 frost strikes in a row. This talent helps your burst potential.
The next level 85 cataclysm frost death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 2/2 icy reach. This will increase the range of your main slow, and one of you nukes.
The next level 85 cataclysm frost death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 3/3 annihilation. The extra damage on obliterate is really noticeable, and is a great burst talent for pvp.
The next level 85 cataclysm frost death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 1/1 lichborne. This is a great talent for self healing thru lichborne and death coil spam.
The next level 85 cataclysm frost death knight pvp arena talent you will get is endless winter. The reduction on mind freeze will really add up, the is good enough to put 2 point in, but you just don't have room in the spec.
The next level 85 cataclysm frost death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 2/2 merciless combat. The extra damage the last 40k health will really help because there is a lot of wounded state playing in 2v2.
The next level 85 cataclysm frost death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 2/2 chill of the grave. One of your best skills uses RP, and this will help generate RP so you can frost strike faster.
The next level 85 cataclysm frost death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 3/3 killing machine. This procs a ton and really ups your crit precentages.
The next level 85 cataclysm frost death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 3/3 rime. This procs a lot and I usually save a lot of runes and also generates a good bit of RP for free.
The next level 85 cataclysm frost death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 1/1 pillar of frost. This is a great dps and mobility talent. This will give you some good burst potential and will keep you mobile while buffed.
The next level 85 cataclysm frost death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 1/1 improved icy talons. This a good buff to you and others in your group, and will help proc killing machine more.
The next level 85 cataclysm frost death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 2/2 brittle bones. This is about a 7% damage increase for you for 2 points.
The next level 85 cataclysm frost death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 2/2 chilblains. This is a must have talent with the new immobilize effect. This will win you games.
The next level 85 cataclysm frost death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 1/1 hungering cold. This is a great cc, and can be use with almost every other cc with no DR. With the glyph, this cost no RP.
The next level 85 cataclysm frost death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 2/2 improved frost presence. This is another 5% damage increase for 2 points.
The next level 85 cataclysm frost death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 3/3 might of the frozen wastes. Since this is a two hander build, we need the two hander specialization. This is actually not even as good as scent of blood, but does stack with it, and you will notice this and and scent of blood both proc at the same time.
The next level 85 cataclysm frost death knight pvp arena talent you will get is 1/1 howling blast. This is a great ranged nuke that does great damage, and you will never have to spend runes on this due to rime, unless you are being kited.
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