The real threat to Islam
Some acts and statements of religious leaders of Pakistan have provided fodder to their rivals, and led to disdain for those who align themselves with any religious outfits or ideology.
For instance, an acrimonious controversy triggered by the statement of Jamaat-e-Islami chief Syed Munawar Hassan added fuel to the fire of terrorism. It literally pitched the armed forces and the JI against each other.
Similarly, last days, the infamous Mudaraba scandal, in which very prominent prayer leaders and muftis associated with the Tablighi Jamaat (which otherwise is a respectful organization and has a huge following) were involved, has further daubed the face of Islamic leaders.
Frankly, the common man has started doubting almost every man with a beard and with a religious link. People at large are sometimes even scared to offer prayers in the masajids – a harsh fact we must acknowledge.
Recently, a famous news channel, first started a campaign against Pak Army, later in a daily morning show profane the Sahaba Karam (r.a) and Ahlebait (r.a) and a new series of protest has been started, the people are on right but thinkable thing is this that where we are going, who is responsible for all of these crises. Are we acting upon anti Pakistan regime/enemy's fixed game plain.
It is a huge responsibility, perhaps the heaviest at least in the recent history, for the Islamic leadership to revive their image. Otherwise, the differences between mullahs, beards, masajidss, and militants are being seen as becoming increasingly blurred.