An approach to address the education emergency:
Its a two level problem not only its about the quality of education but also about the opportunities for the students after they complete school/college. Specially in rural areas. Where only jobs available are the govnt Jobs at the discretion of the MNA/MPA.
Alot of work have been going on level 1 that is quality of educatio. Lets give a chance to the another solution. We see the solution to this problem in a completely different way, instead of a top down or bottom up approach, a bridge should be built from the center. By educating and creating opportunities for children who have passed some primary education. The key audience for this hypothesis can be students who have passed metric but cannot afford higher education or are forced to work due to their current social or economic constraints.
The principle of this hypothesis is based on Social Business Principle, where young people can work and learn at the same time, the project being self-sustaining and reinvesting later in other social issues such as primary education, health, financing, etc.
It is based on the outsourcing and off-shoring model, where people can work online on projects (Such as data entry and data punching, graphic designing, software development [later stages] and earn a better living). Learning would commence in a college/university style environment.
Though, there have been other such initiatives in the past, most of them are related to establishing a cottage industry, followed by micro-franchising. We’re planning not to setup a product industry, but a service industry, which primarily focuses on the important of technical education, such that it becomes a trend builder for future generations.
This will not only create jobs but help the students economically which is a short term solution. In long term it will create a better quality of life for the whole group and this will pass on to their families, to which the society can look up to as being an advantage of being educated and Self Sufficient. This might stop the school dropout rate and the youth will continue their studies and be part of this group of individuals. It will create an example for all the other students to follow their lead and lead them to a path of better living and well being in the society.
I call this project Being Ghalib Initiative i.e. ‘being predominant’.
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