What your ex did was absolutely terrible, there's no doubt about that. I can completely understand why you
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However, eventually you're going to have to come to the terms with the fact that your ex's shady decision making processes are really a "sunk cost", so to speak. She fucked up; it's been done. You can't turn back the clock. Holding on to this grudge and trying to act like the kid doesn't exist will be unhealthy and unproductive. Accidental children just happen sometimes. You're not the first person to go through something like this.
Always remember: at the center of this, there is a child who is one hundred percent innocent. He did not ask to be born under these circumstances. He was thrust into a really shitty family situation with no say in the matter. And now he has to live his life dealing with all the emotional complications that come from having estranged parents. Please think of that little boy and how hurt and sad
If you were in this child's situation, I think you would hope that your father would eventually come around and play some role in your life. Children who grow up lacking the presence of one of their parental figures often suffer a great deal mentally. It can be extremely traumatic. You absolutely do NOT need to have any relationship with your ex that extends beyond
strictly cordial/legal conversation as necessary. But I really highly encourage you to get to know your son. He would only benefit from your presence in his life, and honestly, you probably will too. I know it's overwhelming right now, but eventually having a father son bond to enjoy could be a really fulfilling, positive experience. Totally expected that you don't feel any emotional connection to the child right now. That is something that takes time to develop.
I am 22 years old too. And the only advice I am giving to myself and other 22 years old. Don be ashamed of who you are. Everything in life have their ups and downs, but in the end of the day. You are responsible for today action that will be your tomorrow consequences.
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