Sometimes people surprise you at the ways. I've had my
Maple story M Mesos guild because 2009 and that I browse the bbs of the past and the people . One individual has passed from a car accident since then. She had a heart. I look at it and we kept her chief and think of the things that might have been. She had been so smart too, sad she had her whole life before her. But we must always remember the great times. Live on through us. Your buddy is watching over youas mine is currently seeing over my bf.
I am sick of seeing hackers and botters all to death. Most them are demon slayers. Several times I've been out Edelstein or even Ellinia and also have jumped from channel to channel, finding 1 or 2 bots on literally every station in certain maps. I understand Nexon does not deal with botters very well, and that's another issue entirely, but that I had an idea on how to potentially limit their production. 99 percent of all botters I see have names with a random series of numbers and characters. Couldn't you implement a text filter when someone tries to create a personality and block the character based on this, to recognize random strings?
And for your bot spammers that stand in FM1 and spam advertisements for illegal trading sites, couldn't a text filter be made to recognize the words they use, assess whether it's been replicated several times, and then automatically ban them? I've been playing MS2 mesos for about 8 decades now and I wish I could help out the neighborhood more by being able to simply ban obvious botters with a couple clicks, because I run across them so often. It's frustrating.
This number includes various Procedures of payment converted to maplestory2 mesos
I returned to this game to the end of last August, with the sole aim of attempting to achieve 2mil selection, with no dipping into my pockets, of course. This was an achievement worth some thing due to how obvious it's that 99% of the people who've reached this variety have spent a substantial amount of cash to'attain' it.