Vi has only had two meaningful nerfs in the past few seasons, with countless buffs. She a
rs gold middle of the pack jungler with a winrate above 50%:Reddit is such a joke. You receive a premise of "Vi isn being picked in competitive play this season" and you try so hard to justify it. It happens with every champion always. X champion is weak? X champion is horrible because Y and Z weaknesses. X champion is strong? X champion is overpowered because of Y and Z strengths.
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You get Republicans to defect, support things like impeachment, term limits, etc. by threatening investigations into ethics violations, sexual assault allegations, and the like against Republicans.For example, on day one Dems should immediately launch investigations into financial crimes that will catch up many Republicans. That's how you use power to accomplish political goals.
Democrats are mostly spineless, but a new guard of House members are incoming and Dems still respond to public pressure. It becomes the job of citizens to put pressure on those who act weak and signal boost those who use their political power to root out corruption, influence, etc.I barely watch or care. It just amazing how many people who don understand how business works I have seen around this issue.
People are making it seem like the owners are evil for not giving him a huge lump of money for previous years played. He signed a contract, he getting paid for this year. His future is very uncertain it possible he doesn even play again, but people are furious that the Seahawks didn give him a new contract with tons of guaranteed money? And between the poor attitude, skipping practices, and now this embarrassing display, he certainly not helping his prospects.
Vi has the ability to do more damage, but she is gated so hard. Denting blows requires 3 auto attacks on a champ to do 4 / 5.5 / 7 / 8.5 / 10% (+ 1% per 35 bonus AD) of target maximum health. That means late game she has to land 15 hits on an entire team to do 10% of their max HP. Conversely, J4 only needs 5 hits across a team to do 8% of a targets current HP. That is more reliable damage,
I think players are just getting tired of constant th promos, low effort additions like the currency events, these bingo cards and a general lack of major content. Yes, we got the farm a few months ago but that update in ltself is something you just tend to once or twice a day. I can on top of my head recall the latest major content update we got.
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