Stopping traffic on 26th street as they left, crossing the street with a name. Ron Claiborne, ABC news, new York. Never lucky enough for those things to happen to me. As the new season unfolds, Paolo says, the entire "color palette and tone of the show" will change from the clothes worn by First Lady Mellie Grant to those of President Fitz himself. "I actually find the men's fashion my favorite to deal with," Paolo says. "I love the subtlety.
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Several retailers that have improved their plussize offerings have been rewarded. In one year, ModCloth doubled its plussize lineup. To mark the anniversary, the company paid for a survey of 1,500 American women ages 18 to 44 and released its findings: Seventyfour percent of plussize women described shopping in stores as "frustrating"; 65 percent said they were "excluded." (Interestingly, 65 percent of women of all sizes agreed that plussize women were ignored by the fashion industry.) But the plussize women surveyed also indicated that they wanted to shop more.