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In the first phase we aim to bring all the people who believe in Pakistan on one single platform. We want to gather their information under the umbrella of AAM ADMI KA PAKISTAN.

Whether you are from any party, any sect, any religion or any community, you are an AAM ADMI if you have passion for Pakistan and you are willing to step forward and join us for this positive effort. If you are a true Pakistani, a compassionate human being and a person who feels that we need to give the coming generation a better Pakistan now is a time to act for this great cause.

Remember that nations are built by its people and not the powerful few. Remember that it is in your hands to change the destiny of this nation. If we don’t step up to play our part and join this effort today then we should not be blaming anyone else for a corrupt and chaotic Pakistan tomorrow. ARY is giving you this platform where actions will be your own and the change brought about will be defined by you.

For Example, there are millions of people who follow ARY everyday. Imagine if all these millions are asked to start a street cleaning plus beautification campaign in their area and send us the pictures of before and after which we will share on website, show on screen and the best one may win a prizes as well. In no time there will be millions of actions everyday which will be transforming the society towards independent mutual support.

This is just the tip of the iceberg because TOGATHER WE CAN MOVE MOUNTAINS! This is just a small example and we have greater plans for you.

So don’t wait for someone to change your country join us and start changing it today. To join the campaign register yourself on our website:


Enter your details as follows:

Name, Email, Password, Age, Date of Birth, Country, City, Occupation, Achievement, Profile, National Identity Card Number, Passport Number Phone No,

So join us today and become a part of the greatest countrywide campaign, to make a better Pakistan, which will involve all our channels, anchors, news bureaus, artists, websites, social media, on ground activities and above all the complete TEAM ARY will be with you to make a better PAKISTAN.